Can I Make A Living Off Of Carpenting?

Carpenting is type of skilled art and craft, in which primarily work is performed by cutting, shaping and installing materials during construction. Traditionally carpenters used natural wood but now days modified materials are also used. Regardless of using material, the essential thing when it comes to carpenting is the skill. If you have that skill and are looking to make a living out of this skill, then you have reached the right place.

You can definitely make a living if you have the ability to mold wood into whatever you please.  It is one of those skills that can earn you up to $150 per hour.

Ask For That Opportunity

If you are already working in this field because you were learning this craft or if you had this as a hobby, you must have learned it under a teacher. The first thing that you should do to work in this field is to find the right mentor. Learning this skill professionally is very important. You can easily look up people who know their way around wood to take you under their wing, and teach you how to do this professional. This is significant because it is one of those things that will pay you well if you are good at it, and you will only get good at it if you learn it properly.

Work More Hours

If you are a carpenter and want to make a living this way, you should work at least 40hours per week. You can earn more by working more hours. In this field you will be paid on the level of your expertise and how well you advertise your services.

But many times if you act wisely you can earn extra couple of hundred dollars. Let say if you do job from 7:00 to 4:00 (Monday to Friday) for wage of $25 to $30 per hour. It would help you to generate $1000 per week. But if you work for 2 hours more or often work on weekends you will see boost in your extra income.

Do Side Jobs

That’s the best advice you will ever get.  Always look out for little projects that you can do on the side to earn extra money. A side job should not be remodeling or building the entire house. It simply means to get 2 to 3 day small carpentry job.

Here is the list which will help you to look around:

  1. Installing windows
  2. Installing entry doors
  3. Building a small deck
  4. Building garages or sheds
  5. Framing in a basement

You can easily find people who are looking for this kind of work to be done for them. Mostly you can find such small jobs by networking or people often post them online. These kinds of jobs do not need many skills. If you look online you can earn up to $3000 to $4000 per month, on the side.

Sell Your Craft

You can also earn more money by simply making some widely needed items and by selling them online. It will really help you increase your monthly wages so that you can easily live off of your carpenting skills. Some of the items that you can make in bulk and sell online can include:

  • Picture frames
  • Mantels
  • Shelves
  • Wood boxes
  • Cutting boards

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